
Snake Chaser : Vibration as a Deterrent

In the intricate ecosystem of our natural surroundings, various species often share intricate relationships. One such relationship, frequently observed, is the connection between snakes and rodents. It’s a well-known fact that snakes are more active in areas where rodents are plentiful, as these small mammals serve as a primary food source for many snake species. In light of this ecological correlation, OPM Organization has innovatively designed a combo model that harnesses nature’s own dynamics to offer a comprehensive solution to both snake and rodent problems. The Snake Chaser, which operates on the principle of vibration, joins forces with a Rodent Repellent utilizing ultrasonic technology, creating an eco-friendly and highly effective deterrent for your garden, farm, or industrial land.

The Snake Chaser: Vibration as a Deterrent

One of the key principles behind OPM’s combo model is the utilization of vibrations as a primary deterrent for snakes. Snakes possess exceptionally poor eyesight and rely heavily on other sensory inputs to navigate and hunt. While they might not be responsive to sonic or ultrasonic frequencies transmitted through the air, they are highly sensitive to vibrations traveling through the ground.

The Snake Chaser emits gentle vibrations that mimic the movements of potential predators or threats, creating an environment that discourages snakes from venturing into your property. This innovative approach taps into the snake’s primal instincts, making them think twice about invading your space, where they might encounter danger.

The Rodent Repellent: Ultrasonic Technology

Simultaneously, the Rodent Repellent in OPM’s combo model uses ultrasonic technology, emitting high-frequency sound waves that are beyond the range of human hearing. These ultrasonic frequencies create an unwelcome auditory environment for rodents, including rats, mice, and other common pests.

Since rodents are a primary food source for snakes, deterring them from your property with ultrasonic waves not only reduces the rodent population but also makes the area less attractive to snakes. This combination effect is what makes OPM’s Snake-Rodent duo repellent so effective and environmentally friendly.

The Eco-Friendly Solution

OPM’s Snake-Rodent duo repellent is a prime example of eco-friendly pest management. Unlike traditional pest control methods that rely on harmful chemicals or lethal traps, this combo model works by manipulating natural behaviors and senses, ensuring the safety of both the environment and non-target species.

By discouraging snakes from entering your property and reducing the rodent population, this innovative solution contributes to maintaining a balanced ecosystem. It avoids the negative repercussions often associated with chemical pest control methods, such as harm to beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife.

Working in Tandem

Rats and snakes share a natural relationship where the presence of one attracts the other. Snakes are drawn to areas abundant in rodents, which serve as their primary source of sustenance. The Snake Chaser and Rodent Repellent, when used together, work synergistically to break this cycle.

The Snake Chaser creates an uncomfortable environment for snakes through vibrations, prompting them to seek alternative habitats. Simultaneously, the Rodent Repellent prevents rodents from establishing a stronghold on your property, thus reducing the attractiveness of your space for snakes. This dual approach enhances the overall effectiveness of the system.


OPM’s Snake-Rodent duo repellent represents a cutting-edge, eco-friendly solution to a common problem. By harnessing the innate relationship between snakes and rodents and utilizing innovative technologies like vibration and ultrasonic sound, this combo model offers a safe and efficient way to protect your garden, farm, or industrial land from these unwanted visitors. It not only safeguards your property but also contributes to the preservation of a balanced and healthy ecosystem. Say goodbye to snakes and rodents with OPM’s eco-friendly solution, designed to work in harmony with nature.