
Integrated Techniques To Get Rid Of Pigeons

Pigeons are very common birds…

Pigeons are very common birds in cities. We can easily identify these light gray-coloured birds with green feathers around their necks.

Thousands of years living with human have made pigeons very comfortable around humans. Pigeons like cities very much because they are attracted to buildings. Urban areas provides an easily available source of food for the pigeons.

Importance of Integrated pigeon control

Pigeons may cause problems for your production units. Pigeons can cause a number of problems for humans

  • They can carry other pests like fleas, ticks, lice, and mites that can themselves carry other diseases or make people sick
  • Pigeon droppings is also risk.
  • Their droppings are highly acidic and have a corrosive effect on buildings or structures

Sonic & Ultrasonic pigeon control

Pigeons are often attracted to large, open outdoor areas like parks and plazas because of discarded food and trash. In additional to other bird control efforts, it’s important to keep such areas as clean as possible so pigeons won’t keep seeing them as a food source. The electronic pigeon deterrents are good at keeping pigeons away from these types of open, outdoor areas. Sonic repellers use naturally recorded distress calls and predator cries that scare pigeons and other pest birds away. Ultrasonic bird repeller are better where you do not want any disturbance. The ultrasonic pigeon repeller are good for large enclosed or semi-enclosed areas These ultrasonic devices are silent to humans but extremely offensive to pigeons and other birds.

Physical bird – pigeon deterrents

Spikes are an affordable and cost-effective method to keep pigeons from landing or nesting on ledges and overhangs.

Netting blocks pigeons from entering outdoor areas and is a highly effective pigeon control solution when properly installed.