Bird control techniques to control the birds particularly pigeons in warehouse, Factories & Industries are using various threatning methods. The effective Ultrasonic and Sonic method is mostly advisable for Pigeon Solution in the industry. Modulation and integration of two effective sounds i.e. sonic ( 10 to 20 KHz) and ultrasonic ( above 20 KHz ) to produce highly effective solution for birds problem in the industries, warehouses and agriculture land. Therefore bird threatening concept and creating a non comfort zone by asking the birds to shift somewhere else, are most bird problem solving methods. The warehouse pigeon control solution is provided by conceptmart with the latest ULSO technology. Integrated ULSO is the most effective way for Industrial pigeon problem where there is industrial sound that is creating high immunity among the birds .
Sonic pigeon control system keeps the birds away
The Sonic Bird repellent for pigeon problem uses a natural predatory principle to scare them. Because the powerful loudspeaker broadcasts predatory calls of the hawk, falcon, eagle, and owl species to threaten the small bird. Besides that, the user may choose to use the auto function where a 5-30 minutes time interval may be set for the Sonic repellent to operate automatically.
Integrating bird control techniques is more effective
Other natural methods like light reflection, physical bird spikes & threatening are integrated to get the best result for pigeon problem and bird control. Because it is slightly difficult and tricy to remove the birds that are present there in the factory. The birds have made their home and now they are immune with the sound and light available there. The challange is to create a high & impactful non comfort zone. And this is possible with integrating all the technique to give a so called “thrust”. Once the bird goes out from that area they will not like to return back. Yes ! Your half problem is solves. And rest will be taken care by the sonoic + ultrasonic.
Kindly fill the bird solution form with complete details like area, type of birds etc. Our experts shall send out free recommendation for all type birds & pigeon control